• Exchanges create future leaders who instinctively appreciate the value of international collaboration, understanding, and empathy​.


    Explore china, Live Like the Locals

  • about us

    Safe Reliable and Unique

    Robin Homestay is the brainchild of Danny Wu, a recent graduate who didn’t want his positive experiences with cultural exchanges to end. Danny worked with international students throughout his 4 years at University. He felt that not only was he helping them to settle into their homestay in China, they were teaching him about the wider world. After graduation, he set up this program to further assist new students. The main aim was to provide them with the same life-affirming experiences and comfortable environment. There are three words that are important above all here at Robin Homestay: safe, reliable and unique.



    Every international student should feel safe and secure when they come to their new living arrangements with a Chinese family. It can be intimidating being away from home at such a young age. This sensation, and pressure that comes with it, only increases when students travel to a land with a foreign language and culture. A guide is a great start, as they can provide directions and local knowledge about a new city. However, Danny knows that it takes more than that to make foreign students feel comfortable. It isn’t about being a tour guide for a foreign city and Chinese culture. Instead, it is about making that city feel like home for the duration of their stay.



    Students need a company that can accommodate international applicants and provide that secure environment with ease. Robin Homestay came about through Danny’s years of experience with cultural exchanges. It has since provided placements for hundreds of students looking for homestay in Beijing. In addition to this, students can rely upon us for other services to make their stay a little easier. These include help with transportation from the airport, VISA services and other financial and social needs. The chance to learn Chinese is a big part of the experience, so we provide language assistance as well.



    Robin Homestay is unique because this isn’t about placing one student with one host and expecting them to follow that family’s rigid plan. Students should feel safe in their surroundings with support from a reliable organisation. However, this doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be free to explore opportunities and meet new people. Danny soon learned that a cultural exchange program was a two-way exchange. He was able to learn as much from international students about their beliefs, cultures and hobbies as he could teach them about Chinese culture. Hiking trips to local beauty spots were not a guided tour but rather an outing with friends.

    Robin Homestay doesn’t just provide international students with a place to eat and sleep and then shut the door on them while they adjust. Instead, it opens up a whole host of doors to new opportunities in China. By signing up with our program, students will have the security of a friendly home and supportive guide. Furthermore there is the unique chance to give something back. A homestay in China about so much more than attending classes and helping your school’s reputation. It is about unforgettable experiences, life lessons and life-long friendships.

  • —Why HomeStay—

    What will I get from living with a Chinese family?

    Homestay in China

    Cultural Experience

    Get In Tune with the Real Chinese Society​

    If you look at things from this perspective, there is no better way of blending into the rich Chinese culture than a homeStay. There are so many things about China to learn about and homeStays often offer you the simplest, yet most effective, means of learning and blending into their culture. From politics, people, history, language to the latest trends in China. Spending most of your free time with the locals could prove quite beneficial to your stay in the country. It is not only a unique learning experience but also a form of creative interaction. The fun part about all this is that the information is eased into simple conversations making it easy for you to get accustomed to the Chinese culture.

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    It Improves Your Overall Stability

    Makes Your Transition into the Chinese Lifestyle Smooth​

    I must admit it takes a lot of effort, time and courage to fit into a place that you've never been in before. It's like striving to make new buddies in a new school, but this time it's different because you don't even converse in the same language! HomeStays help you to avoid the hustle of trying to fit in. You get to enjoy a natural transition into the Chinese lifestyle without having to worry about what the symbols on the restaurant menu mean, or where to get basic necessities, or how to communicate with the locals.

    Homestay in Beijing

    Makes You Feel At Home

    You'll Have a Home Away From Home​

    Feeling homesick is something that most of us have experienced at one point in time. It may be because you miss your loved ones, or maybe you miss the things you enjoyed at home. Being a foreigner means that you are miles away from home, but that is not to say that you should be sad about it. A homeStay lets you enjoy all the privileges, fun activities, rights and even cordial environment that you can only find at home. Being part of a family means you'll still have people to celebrate with you, to talk to, to advise you, and to hold you dear; you can never find that level of affection anywhere else apart from a loving homeStay family.

    Beijing Hutongs


    Explore China's Deepest and Most Hidden Treasures

    Get a First Class Tour of China​

    In China, like all other countries, only the locals are usually well versed with the region. Yes! You may find tour guides on offer, but the only way to view China's beauty is by letting the locals to guide you. Being in a homeStay gives you access to a number of locals who would be more than enthusiastic to show you around and to help you see China's hidden charms.

    Chinese food is so good

    The Food!

    You'll Be Able to Tell What’s Best for Your Taste Buds​

    One thing that troubles most exchange students is simply what to eat. When you land in a foreign nation, it's usually very hard to tell what food to eat and what to avoid. And unless you don't mind food poisoning or upsetting your stomach, getting the right guidance is often recommended. Being in a homeStay means that you'll be able to eat exquisite Chinese cuisines that you can trust. Your host family will always ensure that you get the right foods, fruits, and balanced meals on a day to day basis. This implies that you won't have to agonize yourself about what goes into your mouth while at the same time, you'll get to sample and enjoy China's best meals at the comfort of a warm home environment.

  • How to Apply

    An Easy and Efficient Process

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    Step 1

    Contact your coordinator to Choose your package and submit application

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    Step 2

    Skype interview with your HomeStay coordinator  

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    Step 3

    Your coordinator will ​be looking for suitable host families according to your application; it usually takes about 1 week or 2-3 days for urgent service

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    Step 6

    Arrive in China, make final payments and hand in necessary document and then go to host family

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    Step 5

    Pay $ 120 HomeStay processing fee via PayPal or international transfer

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    Step 4

    Receive host families information, and choose your host family

  • Choose Your Package and Option

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    Please note that Option A and C are suitable for everyone. However, Option B is only suitable for those who have plenty of free time to spend with a host family.

  • Blog

    Tips, advice and stories

    Staying in a homestay in Beijing, China is a unique and enriching experience that allows you to...
    Local Food in Beijing: A Guide to the Capital's Delicious Cuisine Beijing, the capital city of...
    Here are some reasons why a homestay in Beijing, China can be a great option: Immersive...
  • buy& sell

    All For Sell-Wanted in Beijing

  • faq

    Do & Don'ts In HomeStay Family

    1. What is Homestay?


    Homestay in China is, knowing more about the exchange between a local Chinese family and international student who is visiting the country. The student will become a part of the family and will not be just a guest.


    2. How Does It Work


    Known also as homestay in Beijing as a student you will be given a room of your own, food and a place for studying and a friendly environment. You will get chances to know more about the family. You also will get a chance to find out more about the local area, customs and community. The host Chinese family will also get to know you and about your family, language and culture.


    3. How Much Does It Cost


    The entire concept is built on sharing, whether it is food, daily life and habits and customs. When one chooses homestay in China program you will get a chance to know about Chinese language and culture. You also would be required to spend 5 hours a week to teach one family member how to speak English. The cost would depend on the kind of options you choose and visiting the website of your homestay in China service provider could perhaps help. The cost would cover utilities, accommodation, and fees for administering, emergency needs and other such things.


    4. How Close Will It Be To My Company Or School


    When you choose homestay in Beijing or China you will normally be required to travel between 20 minutes to one hour from your place of work or education. You will be explained the traffic routes. You also could get accommodation within walking distance from your school or company. More than convenience, you will have support and help which is so important when living with a Chinese family in a foreign country.


    5. How Do I apply


    You must apply by sending an email to the respective mail: info@homestay.com


    6. What Support Can I Expect?


    When you register for homestay in China program you will be able toget24/7 emergency contact facilities. In case of emergencies you will get all kinds of help including interpreter services. A dedicated supervisor will be there for you and an experienced team will also be there to help you at all times.


    7. What Responsibilities Do I Have


    Though helping with household chores is not obligatory when you stay with a Chinese family you must ensure that you give a good impression to them. You must keep the bedroom and bathroom neat and clean. You must respect others and follow the house rules set out for you. You must have an open mind and must be ready to try new experiences and foods. You also must try with the family members while you are in a homestay in China program. Speaking and communicating certainly helps.


    8. How Should I Call My Host?


    Before calling your hosts, it would be better to ask them as to what they are happy with. While some like to be called by their name, others might prefer being called as Jlejie or Gege which is sister or brother.


    9. What About Storing Dirty Laundry And Washing Of Clothes?


    You could keep them in the basket of your room. Some Chinese family members might want it kept in some other place of the house. While in some homestay in Beijing programs you have to wash the clothes, you should learn how to operate washing machines. A few might do the washing themselves.


    10. How To Iron My Clothes


    If you do not ironing you should learn it and your host Chinese family will be able to do it for you.


    11. How Long Should I Bathe?


    Though there is no time limit for bathing in homestay in China program you must be reasonable.


    12. Can I Bathe?


    Most families do not have a bath and do not use it. However, if they have it you must use the water carefully.


    13. How Should I React When My Host Says No To Help In Washing Utensils?


    If in homestay in Beijing program your host says no to help in washing utensils, you could try out some other ways. You could help clean the table, dispose off rubbish, prepare table before meal and so on.


    14. What Does Self Help Mean?


    If your host talks about self help it means you could take food, tissue or something else without asking when with a Chinese family.


    15. Can I Put pictures on my bedroom wall?


    You can do so if your host does not have a problem. Using temporary fixtures is better.


    16. A Family Member Of Host Has A Birthday. What Do I Do?


    When staying in homestay in Beijing it is not necessary to give any card of gift though it is a custom in the normal circumstances.


    17. Can I Enter All Rooms During My Homestay


    Bedrooms are considered as private areas. You must go there only on invitation and knock before you enter. Lounges and common areas are not normally private and you can use them.


    18. Where Should I Keep My Luggage?


    You can keep your luggage in your room space, under the bed or inside the wardrobe. You could also use the shed or household garage for the purpose when with a Chinese family.


    19. What About Internet Usage?


    When on a homestay in Beijing program you must check with your host for internet usage. Different families have different packages and you must be careful before using internet.


    20. When Should I Turn Down My Music, Stop Making Calls And Stop Calls In Skype?


    Quiet times must be as per the needs of the host and each Chinese family could have different views. Normally talking after 10.00 PM should be avoided. However, you could talk in low voices if needed.


    21. Can I Stay Up Late For Studying?


    When in a Homestay in China program you can study late in your room provided you are quiet. You must not disturb the sleep pattern of the hosts and their family members.


    22. If I Leave Home Should I Inform My Host


    Though not mandatory, it is polite to inform your host when going outside. You might also inform your rough time of return when on such homestay in Beijing programs.


    23. Can I invite guests in my homestay?


    You must talk on this to your host and if they are okay you can go ahead. You may need to give some advance notice.


    24. I Do Not Have A Duplicate Key For The House?


    If this is the case you must contact your homestay in Beijing coordinator for solving this issue.


    25. What If I Have Lost The Keys?


    You must inform your host and the Chinese family if the key is missing. You may have to bear the costs associated with loss of keys. Getting in touch with your homestay in China coordinator could help a lot.


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